Darren Weda with Murray cod at Lake Eildon.
Photo by
darren weda
More lakes open for Murray cod
Anglers chasing Murray cod have more options this spring, with the iconic species able to be targeted in Lake Eppalock, Lake Nillahcootie and Cairn Curran Reservoir.
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Spring sees the annual Murray cod closed season in effect throughout most rivers and lakes north of the Great Dividing Range, as well as the Yarra River, but consultation earlier this year opened up another trio of large Victorian waters for year-round fishing.
Victorian Fisheries Authority fisheries management director Luke O’Sullivan said it meant cod fishers would have more options than ever to wet a line.
“The Murray cod closed season is really important in many rivers and lakes to allow these treasured native fish a chance to breed, but that’s not the case in several impoundments we heavily stock like Eppalock, Nillahcootie and Cairn Curran,” he said.
“Our record-breaking stocking program means we can open these waters up year-round which is great news for those of us who love our cod fishing. Lake Eildon has become a year-round native fishing mecca since the closed season was removed in 2016.”
The Murray cod closed season applies in the majority of rivers and lakes north of the Great Dividing Range between September 1 and November 30. It does not apply in lakes Eildon, Eppalock and Nillahcootie and Cairn Curran reservoir.
The Murray cod slot limit is between 55cm and 75cm, and there is a bag limit of two.
The river blackfish closed season is from September 1 until January 1, 2025; and the annual closure for Murray spiny freshwater crayfish is September 1 to June 1, 2025.
Sharing knowledge and experience is a key feature of Fishtalk events, with a variety of engaging guest speakers.
Victorian recreational anglers and freshwater fish enthusiasts are invited to the latest Fish Talk event in Echuca on Thursday, October 24.
Fishing conservation charity OzFish is delivering the event alongside the Victorian Fishing Authority, and it will feature a talented line-up of guest speakers.
John Conallin will share his knowledge and passion for threatened small-bodied native fish species, while Colby Lesko and Gage Wright from Spin Wright lures will share their experiences targeting Murray cod across the Murray-Darling Basin.
The forum will also feature a special presentation from John Cahill, who will reveal the exotic secrets in targeting recreational fish species in Oman (Middle East), and from Iain Ellis on the topic: ‘What’s the go with flow? Why it’s needed for native fish to thrive in the Murray-Darling Basin’.
The roadshow is a free community event, which aims to raise awareness about habitat restoration and freshwater fish in the Murray-Darling Basin.
“We aim to make these Fish Talk forums all about community, with the line-up of speakers providing targeted freshwater fish information, tips, and fishing tales,” OzFish Murray-Darling Basin senior program manager Braeden Lampard said.
Echuca Fish Talk will be held on Thursday, October 24, from 6.30pm (please arrive at 6.15pm) to 9pm at the Echuca Workers Club, 165 Annesley St.
The public event is free of charge, with complimentary catering and lucky door prizes. However, early registration is recommended as places are limited.