The showcase of all things chrome and rubber is run by the Lions Club of Seymour Goulburn and the Seymour and District Car Club.
“This is a major fundraiser for the Lions club and is staged annually as a joint event with the car club,” Lions Club of Seymour Goulburn and Seymour events committee member Regina Young said.
“Our past two shows in 2020 and 2022 were very successful with over 3000 visitors, approximately 400 show cars, over 60 swap meet sites and market stalls.”
There will be an auction, a raffle draw, live music and lots of food and coffee vans as well as kids’ amusements and local services’ displays and demonstrations.
“The (Mitchell) shire along with the Kings Park Committee of Management have been working tirelessly to have the park ready for us — we will be the first event staged at Kings Park since the floods,” Ms Young said.
Kings Park is on Tallarook St, Seymour and the event runs from 8am to 3pm.
The cost for display cars is $10/car (includes all occupants). Entry for spectators is a gold coin.
For more information, swap meet or market inquiries, contact Regina Young on 0417 329 881. For any show car inquiries, phone Judi McGrath on 0407 562 003.