Providing a suitable environment for calf rearing will encourage growth, reduce death rates and prevent diseases like Johne's, scours and pneumonia.
Dairy Australia has published a guide for dairy farmers, which stresses the advantages of well-designed and carefully managed calf rearing facilities.
1. Providing a clean and comfortable calf rearing environment reduces the risk of disease and ensures calves grow well.
2. Design calf rearing sheds to provide adequate protection from wind, rain and heat. Consider making adjustments to sheds to ensure good air circulation and to minimise draughts.
3. Make sure dairy effluent does not enter the calf rearing environment.
4. Maintain a clean environment by topping up bedding material regularly and disinfecting rails, partitions, walls and gates in calf pens.
5. Limit the risk of calf rearing personnel spreading disease — make sure clothes and boots are clean and disinfection techniques are appropriate.
6. Plan facilities and procedures that minimise the need to enter calf pens.
7. Choose an absorbent and comfortable bedding material that insulates the calf from the cold.
From Dairy Australia's Rearing Healthy Calves