Native fish will benefit from a re-snagging project to create deeper pools in the lower Broken Creek.
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The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority project has received $99,250 of funding from the Federal Government’s Murray-Darling Healthy Rivers program.
Federal Member for Nicholls Damian Drum said the funding would see community knowledge used to care for the popular fishing destination.
The project will work with recreational anglers during the next few months to develop and implement on-ground works to improve river health, leading to improved fish populations and biodiversity outcomes.
“This grant puts money into local businesses, providing employment and strengthening recreational amenities and tourism offerings,” Mr Drum said.
The project involves recreating deep pools in the Lower Broken Creek near Katamatite and Kaarimba, through excavation of sediment and strategic placement of in-stream woody habitat along 3.35km of the creek.
Low flows and sedimentation in the creek have resulted in the loss of deep pools, which are a critical component of in-stream habitat for fish and other aquatic fauna.