Active and healthy: Noah Schultz scooting, Theo Adams skating, Aiden McAuliffe scooting and Amelie Cavalier running around the basketball court at Bourchier St Primary School.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
From decorated bikes to scooters decked out with Christmas lights, Bourchier St Primary School was abuzz with activity as students rolled in on all kinds of wheels on National Ride2School Day.
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The initiative is part of a program that encourages Australian students to ride their bikes to school, promoting physical activity and healthy living.
More than 200,000 students from over 484 schools nationwide registered to participate in the initiative.
“It’s really important that we promote a healthy and active lifestyle,” vice principal Gary Darma said.
Mr Darma also said the kids were excited about the event, and much effort was put into decorating their bikes and scooters.
“We’ve got Christmas lights on scooters; we’ve had an Easter-themed bike complete with chocolate eggs and everything. So, it’s been very impressive — but yeah, lots of excitement in the place,” he said.
The school hopes to encourage students and families to ride their bikes and walk to school throughout the year.
Thumbs up: Tristan Lancaster preparing to skate.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
Friends: Layton Gardner, Hannah Sloots, Jazmine Robles, Jasmine Lorenze and Marley Pankhurst at Bourchier St Primary School for National Ride2School Day.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
Best team: Isaiah Bux-Bamblet displaying his love for Manchester United.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
Rainbow: Jaimini Lakhani riding her multi-coloured bike.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
All smiles: Liam Graham on his bike.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
Announcement: Vice principal Gary Darma calling all the participants.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
Speedy: Marcus Lim picks up the pace.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
Easter fan: Alexa Thu with her incredibly decorated bicycle.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
Riding in style: Jakobie Branch at Bourchier St Primary School.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
Sunny: Kallem and Tyler Rogers enjoying the fine weather.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
Family: Bellah, Kellie and Chloe Wilson enjoying National Ride2School day at Bourchier St Primary School.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
Pedalling in style: Florence Vella.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
Happy: Lenny Campbell was one of the prize winners.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
Scooter club: Memphis McLeigh, Thomas Thorp, Noah Schultz, Blake Manning and Stephanie Manninga at Bourchier St Primary School.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
All involved: Year 6 teacher Matt Mollison on his scooter.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
And they’re off!: Students at Bourchier St Primary School displaying their wheels.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
Having fun: Marley Pankhurst, Amelie Cavalier, Theo Adams, Layton Gardner and Bridget Mallari.
Photo by
Caleb Francis
Spring-loaded: Braylen Kendray-Gardner and Ivy Crocker parking their scooters.
Photo by
Caleb Francis