A happy crowd of locals gathered at Kyvalley park and pool to celebrate Australia Day 2025.
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Wyatt and Weston with owner of the Holden Chevrolet, affectionately known as Mary, Andrew Spackman.
Kyvalley’s Australia Day celebration ticked almost all the boxes on Sunday when community event organisers had not only sausages and onions on the barbie, hay bales for seats and plenty of flies for company — but also the quintessential Aussie means of transportation, a Holden.
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Several Campaspe Shire councillors and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh were on site for the celebration, along with Campaspe Shire town crier Judy Campbell.
Former Kyvalley resident Margaret Steddar was the guest speaker, fondly recalling her memories of Kyvalley.
Kyvalley Swimming Club committee, supported by Campaspe Shire Council, put on a great event at Kyvalley park.
Those gathered enjoyed their meal, proudly sang the national anthem, listened to various speeches, as familiar and new faces joined together, to celebrate Australia Day at Kyvalley.
Neil and Bev Williams at the Kyvalley Australia Day celebrations.
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The children enjoyed their time in the pool.
During the morning, people also had the chance to check out a 1935 Chevrolet Sports Roadstar, the pride and joy of Kerr Rd resident Andrew Spackman.
The Queensland native, who relocated to the area to be with partner Michelle Walker, had the veteran vehicle parked on the grounds of the former Kyvalley Primary School for all to inspect.
An electrician with a penchant for turning his hand to automobile restoration explained the car had originally been the property of his great grandfather, who in turn sold it to his grandfather and then — after a series of fortunate events — ended up with his father.
Ticking another box on the Australia Day checklist was the seemingly endless supply of tomato sauce.
“My dad became a member of a car club and found it through them. He bought it back and it is mine now,” Andrew said.
The car, known as Mary (the name of Andrew’s grandmother), came into Andrew’s possession 12 years ago after his father died and will soon have company as he is expecting the arrival of a Chevrolet ute in the coming weeks.
Leo and Wyatt were right at home in the front seat of the 1935 Holden Chevrolet Sports Roadstar.
Campaspe Shire Mayor Daniel Mackrell congratulates Bev Williams on 30 years of outstanding community service and becoming a life member of Kyvalley Swimming Club committee, while president Stuart Williams looks on.
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Andrew and his partner Michelle Walker were the centre of conversation in between a large gathering filling their plate with the various delicacies on offer thanks to the community group behind the catering.
Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh and his wife Liz outside the Kyvalley celebration, which featured a plethora of Australian flags.
Guest speaker for the day was former Kyvalley resident Margaret Steddar.
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Kyvalley barbecue “kings”, Alex and Terry, provided sustenance for the large gathering at the former primary school site.
Town crier Judy Campbell with Neil Williams at Kyvalley.
Town crier Judy Campbell was well received by those celebrating at the event.
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Campaspe Shire councillor John Zobec and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh address the crowd.
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