Snug: Twins Remi and Quba Butler, 19 months, attended the Girgarre dawn service. They are the daughters of Abbey and Ryan, who plays for the Girgarre Football Club.
Close to 200 people turned out for the dawn service on Anzac Day in Girgarre.
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Families, ex-service people, visitors and residents assembled in Station St at the war memorial for a short service conducted in the darkness.
The service included a poem by Sherrie Ball, read by Harry Mast:
“I do not know your name, nor for which battle you died.
I do not know your name, nor the tears that you cried.
I offer you from my heart and thank all guardians unknown,
For offering your life for all of us —
That we may keep freedom — our home.”
Flags were raised by Girgarre Primary School captains Holly O’Neill and Adele Seabrook.
Many stayed on after the service for the traditional gunfire barbecue breakfast and tea and coffee.
Girgarre RSL sub-branch president Garry Kitt was impressed by the attendance and said his organisation tried to be active in the town, supporting the school and community.
Involving the younger generation was essential to maintaining the relevance of Anzac Day, he said.
Peaceful: Dawn breaks over the Girgarre war memorial on Anzac Day.