PREMIUM News Alert | Four grass fires in Shepparton By Nicola Ceccato Nov 5, 2024 Four small grass fires have broken out in Kialla. Photo by Jemma Jones Four small grass fires have broken out in Shepparton. Hold tight - we’re checking permissions before loading more content Emergency services were called to four fires in grass and scrub area off Broken River Dve just before 3.20pm. The fires are not yet under control and 13 Fire Rescue Victoria or CFA appliances are on scene fighting the fires. Police are also on scene. The grassfires are spread throughout bushland near Broken Creek Dve. Photo by Jemma Jones VicEmergency has issued a smoke alert for the area. Broken River Dve, Archer St, Hastings Ave, Wimmera Dr and Palmer Rd are some of the roads that may be impacted by smoke. The fire is causing smoke in the area and nearby residents are advised to stay out of the smoke. Those travelling in the area are advised to keep the affected areas clear so emergency services can respond. Thirteen Fire Rescue Victoria and CFA vehicles attended the scene. Photo by Kate Walters Emergency services spread themselves around the area to contain the fire's spread. Photo by Kate Walters Police & Court Murder charge Police & Court Second fatal crash in three days Police & Court SUV flips in crash with truck By Nicola Ceccato Digital Content Lead
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News Changes a ‘mixed bag’Despite the $60 hike in the state’s re-badged fire emergency levy, CFA and SES volunteers will be exempt. By Andy Wilson