Federal Water Minister Keith Pitt said the program demonstrated the government’s commitment to ensuring decisions were based on up-to-date knowledge.
“Now more than ever, the way we manage our rivers needs to be based on the best available science, so we can maximise the benefit of water use for industry, environment and communities,” Mr Pitt said.
“New knowledge can help us better mitigate water scarcity and serious water quality problems that arise from extended droughts, which negatively impact ecosystems, businesses and communities.
“Are there better management options available to help avoid water quality risks like algal blooms, for example?”
The government has placed a strong emphasis on research that can be directly applied, to create environmental and community benefits.
“Applied research is about making sure that science lifts out from its research journals and spreadsheets, and becomes real tools that water managers, basin farmers and our communities can use,” Mr Pitt said.
The Murray–Darling Water and Environment Research Program aims to improve Murray-Darling Basin Plan outcomes through targeted research.
The Federal Government will seek partners to co-design research to be used by water and natural resource managers in the basin.
Research partners will be selected through an open tender process via Austender.
For information on the research program, visit the Murray-Darling Basin Authority website and for more information on the open tender process, visit the AusTender website at: https://www.tenders.gov.au/