Cute as can be: Victoria Hynam with Buddy (left) and Whitey. The future working dogs are part of an eight-puppy litter Victoria helped raise.
This kelpie litter was spotted at the Hynam Poll Merinos ram sale in Longwood. Victoria Hynam says the seven-week-olds have a lot of potential.
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Are both their parents on the farm?
The father was born and raised here by us. The mother is a stud dog we bought from Scoriochre Kelpies. This is the first litter from that mother.
What do you expect from them?
Very good all-rounders with a lot of potential. Great temperaments — placid but plenty of go.
Pick me: The pups have plenty of potential and, while placid, have plenty of pep too.
Do they tend to go to Merino homes?
We are always happy when the pups go to working homes, you know they’ll be trained right. Sometimes guys who have our Merinos have one but that’s not always the case.
What’s the gender ratio?
There are eight pups — four girls and four boys.
Hard to say goodbye?
They are all my babies and I’m sad to see them go, but happy too. It was a family effort to raise them.
Gender equality: The litter is made up of four girls and four boys.
Any favourites?
Two favourites. Whitey and Buddy. Buddy is very calm like his father, placid. Whitey has always come to me, given me kisses. I love that sort of thing — she’s a people dog. But they are all very cute and sweet.
Future sheepdogs: The pups are expected to go to working homes.