Joe Montalto from Whittlesea with his 10 Angus steers which sold for $2140. "I bought some good Angus heifers and grew them out and here is the result. I'm more than happy with the outcome." Mr Montalto is a regular at Euroa because he has property at Boho South.
The $2100 Angus steers from Whittlesea which sold at Euroa.
The delayed special cattle sale at Euroa turned up some strong sales from a 1200-head yarding on September 7.
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The sale was delayed for a month over initial fears for biosecurity due to the Indonesian foot-and-mouth disease outbreak.
Young Angus steers sold to $2280 as southern region buyers competed for quality stock.
Nutrien agent Russell Mawson remarked on the strong competition, mostly coming from the southern region because of the wet conditions in the north, with prices equating to about $7/kg in some cases.
“I think people have got over the initial concerns about biosecurity and are getting back to business,” Mr Mawson said.
The next sale will be held on Wednesday, October 5.
DF & DM Sexton ‘Villa’
28 Angus steers $2280 384kg
28 Angus steers $2180 331kg
21 Angus heifers $2100 354kg
29 Angus heifers $1890 319kg
GC & LM Johnston
18 Angus steers $2250 374kg
13 Angus steers $2150 306kg
M Chapman
14 BB steers $2190 355kg
10 BB heifers $1810 335kg
18 Hereford steers 2110 374kg
Salo Farm
12 AA steers $1860 201kg
Grant Angus
9 AA heifers $1720 287kg
Nutrient auctioneer Scott Campbell takes a few bids at the Euroa sale. With him are James Henry and Russell Mawson.
Checking out the pens at the Euroa sale were, left, Peter Bjorkstein from Euroa and Graeme Johnston from Ruffy. Mr Johnston sold a pen of eight young Angus steers for $2250.
Grand-dad Ashley Swift, from Warrenbayne, with Fred, 3, checking out the cattle at Euroa.
Cattle farmer Bert Verhardt from Wahring tries out the biosecurity demonstration station set up by the Euroa Saleyards. A brush is provided to clean down the shoes, followed by a Citric boot bath.
Wahring farmer Bert Verhardt tries out the boot bath at the biosecurity demonstration station set up by the Euroa saleyards staff.
The special cattle sale at Euroa attracted strong bidding on Wednesday.