Spend a spring Sunday visiting gardens around Jerilderie and support the town’s school.
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Five gardens will be open to the public on Sunday, October 24, as part of a fundraiser for the Jerilderie Public School Parents and Citizens’ Association.
The open gardens, which range from transformed paddocks and creek-side gems to cottage and English-style gardens, are:
Greg and Carmen Lawton, 104 Showground Rd, Jerilderie.
Brett and Debbie Roe, 65 Oaklands Rd, Jerilderie.
Rick and Victoria Bryce, Greenacres, 346 Willawa Lane, Jerilderie (Logie Brae).
Andrew and Julie Sleigh, Kooringal, 536 Boyd Lane, Jerilderie (Bundure).
Roy and Beth at Flora Bank, 45 Jerilderie St, Jerilderie.
Organiser Carmen Lawton said tickets were $20, covered visits to all five gardens and could be bought at any of the properties.
For $10 a light morning tea/lunch including a hot or cold drink will be available from the Lawtons’ or Roes’ gardens.
The gardens will be open from 10am to 2pm and will observe COVID-safe practices.
For more information, phone Carmen Lawton on 0427 242 148 or follow the Jerilderie Public School’s Facebook page.