The Shepparton Library with River Connect hosted a fun school holiday activity on Monday, June 26.
Intro to Nature Journaling gave kids the chance to get out and see the rivers around Shepparton, before drawing the sights they saw.
The short class was designed for all skill levels and the kids were proud of their work.
News photographer Rechelle Zammit captured some of the fun.
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Flowers for Mum: 10-year-old Koby Walford with his mum, Sally Rowe.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
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Freebies: River Connect’s Allison White shows off the free journals kids received on the day.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
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Out and about: Mum Briana Herezo and her daughter Mackenzie, 8, are loving the views of the river.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
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By the water: River Connect’s Alison White leads the kids through the class.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
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School holiday fun: Difna Nanayakkara, 10, Dion Nanayakkara, 8, Difan Nanayakkara, 3, and Anaya Goyal, 11.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
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Future artists: Brothers Lachlan and Nicholas Laidlaw show off their work.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
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Fun for the whole family: Dad Steven Martin joins his two kids, Hamish, 7, and Eleanor, 4, for the journaling class.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit