Mary Brettell with bears she won as a raffle prize.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
People gathered for the Wahroonga Stitches’ Biggest Morning Tea on Wednesday, May 22, in Ardmona.
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This is the third year the sewing group has held a Biggest Morning Tea event.
Attendees enjoyed delicious treats, participated in a raffle, and generously raised $3646 for the Cancer Council.
News photographer Rechelle Zammit was there to capture the fun had by all.
Friends Barbara Hunter and Margaret Ford at the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Wahroonga Stitches members (back) Norma Edsall, Jan Groves, Debbie Curtis, Kerrie McIndoe. (front) Olinda Poulton, Janice Short, Maree Schwarschnik and Elaine Saxton.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Sisters Aileen Harrison and Kerry Bridge at the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Attendees enjoying the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Olinda Poulton showcasing the modesty cover made by Goulburn Valley Quilters for those who go through breast cancer treatment.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Raffle prizes at the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit