Goshawks taking a bath at a Strathmerton property.
For more than a month a pair of young goshawks have entertained a Strathmerton resident.
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Born in a nest in a nearby box tree, the pair have enjoyed a dip in the bird baths around the Strathmerton house on summer days.
The photographer, who wishes to remain anonymous, noticed the birds emerge from the nest prior to Christmas, and, alas, reports that they have now made off for other places, no doubt the open grasslands or the distant bush north of the town.
The resident enjoyed watching their antics and also appreciates the other birdlife that frequents the property on the edge of town.
Goshawks are a raptor, feeding on small mammals, insects and rabbits, occur throughout Australia and are not considered threatened.
For the technically minded, the photographer used a Canon 400 D with a 300mm zoom lens.