Former IDW founder Brian Leslie, Around the Barn’s Casey Trealor and IDW director Declan Patten.
Photo by
Sophie Baldwin
To celebrate its 35-year milestone, International Dairy Week held a special anniversary dinner in the main arena.
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The dinner included a slideshow of IDW highlights by former founder Brian Leslie and presentation of the annual Power of Women in Dairy award to Fiona Hanks.
IDW director Declan Patten, who took over running the event in 2021, said it was an honour to reflect on the success of this incredible event which had become a cornerstone of the global dairy industry.
“I want to thank Brian for his guidance in carrying forward the legacy of this event and I look forward to what the future holds,” Declan said.
Since jumping on board, Declan has introduced some small but powerful changes to the event, including the introduction of the popular social media platform Around the Barn, which interviews participants and winners, and takes IDW and the Australian dairy industry to the world.
Declan has continued to focus on encouraging young people into the industry through IDW, with the youth event increasing in popularity.
IDW director Declan Patten, Robyn Barber, Scott Lord, Daryl Brown and Brian Leslie.
Photo by
Sophie Baldwin
Brian reflected on the amazing journey that he was at the helm of from 1996 until 2020.
The original dream was to hold the event in Shepparton, but after it was determined to too expensive, they pivoted to Tatura.
The event has come along way from the early days, where show cows at the time were walked around a gum tree, now dairy cows from across the country and every breed are represented at IDW.
Brian acknowledged the guidance and support of many people involved in the industry including mentor Daryl Brown, Ayrshire breeders and brothers Ian and Lex Bunn and Don Blackmore.
He also acknowledged the support of his own staff including Robyn Barber who ran IDW from 2011-20.
There have, of course, been many highlights over the years and so many great cattle to talk about, including the record price of $251,000 paid for Lightning Ridge CMD Jedi Gigi at the WWS Evolution Sale in 2017.
Brian also mentioned the prowess of Lyndon Cleggett, who has won premier exhibitor and premier breeder over 20 times each.
As part of the celebrations, Fairvale Morty Lady 51 Ex- 97-5E, owned by L.R. S.T. & L.A. Thompson, was crowned IDW people’s choice champion cow, while Llandovery JR Joan 982 Ex-95-3E, owned by Gorbro and C. Rapley, was reserve champion.
Power of Women in Dairy winner Fiona Hanks with Lyn Boyd.
Photo by
Sophie Baldwin
POW president Jade Sieben presented Fiona with her award.
Clearly surprised, Fiona was a popular winner, with the crowd cheering loudly.
Fiona is a familiar face around the IDW show ring, local shows and calf days in the western districts of Victoria.
She has prepared cows, shown cows and photographed cows. Work ethic and drive have seen her work with some of the greats of the dairy industry over the years.
Fiona said she was humbled to receive such recognition.
Fiona is the ninth recipient of the Bette Hall award and she joins other winners Lyn Boyd, Jenny Grey, Pam Malcolm, Lisa Broad, Trish McGraw, Leanne Dobson, Mandy Pacitti and Winsome Anderson.
National Herd Improvement Association’s Stewart Mancer and Emily Robins.
Photo by
Sophie Baldwin
Attendees at the IDW 35th dinner celebration.
Photo by
Sophie Baldwin
Lisa Thompson with Fairvale Morty Lady 51 Ex- 97-5E — the people’s choice champion cow.
Photo by
Sophie Baldwin