Bulla general manager of dairy and procurement Rohan Davies said they were confident of their market performance and they hoped to be able to increase these figures closer to the start of the season.
The company said it had no volume charges or milk collection fees and preferred a flat payment structure.
“Over the last two years, we have led the milk pricing announcement to assist our farmers who have appreciated the early pricing, which gives them the security of a guaranteed minimum price and the confidence to plan and forecast for the season ahead,” Mr Davies said.
“The current economic climate has created new levels of complexities that play into our pricing offer, however, we are very pleased to provide a strong baseline position which will see farmers looking forward to another season of higher prices.
“This early opening pricing is an indication of our ongoing confidence in Bulla’s market performance and new products and provides a guaranteed minimum for farmers,” Mr Davies said.
“However, as we are still a few months away from the start of the season, we expect to be able to increase this closer to the season commencement once there is more market certainty to inform our business forecasting.”
Bulla’s farm gate milk price for 2021-22 ranged from $6.95/kg MS to $7.45/kg MS.