Mitchmantle Mirand Indiana sold for $8800.
Photo by
Geoff Adams
Holsteins cow sold to a high of $11,500 in an autumn sale at the Goulburn Valley Livestock Exchange on Friday, March 21.
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The top seller was Mitchmantle Latenite Shimmer, bought by Gorbro Holsteins in Cohuna.
“She’s a very good heifer,” Dairy Livestock Services auctioneer Brain Leslie said.
“They (Gorbro Holsteins) actually bred the mother of her so they know the cow family, and they’ve obviously bought the heifer back into the program for the breeding and the quality of her.”
They also walked away with the second-highest seller, Mitchmantle Mirand Indiana, which sold for $8800.
"She was an outstanding red and white cow and I would predict a really big future for her in the show, and she was backed by a really strong pedigree,“ Mr Leslie said.
Mitchmantle Unstopabull Indiana, Lot 12, sold for $5400.
Photo by
Djembe Archibald
The third-highest sale of the day was Lindon Latenite Bonnie-Red-Po, from Tyler Gordon of Undera, who sold to Jamber Farms in Jamberoo, NSW, for $7250.
“She was a 12-month-old heifer and is a strong potential heifer,” Mr Leslie said.
The sale average for the day was $3600.
Buyers stretched from Tamworth, NSW, down to the Western District and into the Gippsland area, as well as a few locally.
“The cows were all high-quality and all presented well,” Mr Leslie said.
The sale ring for the Mitchmantle Holsteins auction.