The power of the John Deere 9 Series tractor, when combined with the accuracy of the new C-Series Air Cart and P600 Precision Air Hoe Drill delivers a total seeding solution that works smarter together for Australian farmers.
Photo by
Nate Luke
The power of a John Deere 9 Series tractor, when combined with the accuracy of the new C-Series Air Cart and P600 Precision Air Hoe Drill, delivers a total seeding solution that works smarter together for Australian farmers.
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John Deere marketing director Ben Kelly said the innovative system streamlined operations to ensure the best foundation was laid for a successful crop, while delivering new gains in efficiency and productivity.
“The demands placed on our customers in tight seeding windows, when speed, precision and accuracy are everything, has driven the development of this total solution that integrates the best technology and agronomic intelligence John Deere has to offer through the entire seeding train, to deliver optimal results,” Mr Kelly said.
“Whether it’s automating headland turns, managing the precision of the implement behind the machine, or documenting the performance of different varieties and fertilisers — these three elements of the seeding train make it happen.”
John Deere’s tractor line-up is front and centre at seeding time, with the groundbreaking 9 Series featuring the 9RX 830, which is capable of a market-leading 830hp.
Available in four-wheel, two-track and four-track configurations, 9 Series tractors feature the power, performance and precision ag technology to allow growers and contractors to pull heavier, wider implements with ease, and manage bigger paddocks in tighter time frames.
John Deere’s strong and powerful tractor line-up is front and centre at seeding time, with the groundbreaking 9 Series featuring the 9RX 830, which is capable of a market-leading 830hp.
Photo by
Dan Videtich
Behind the tractor are the new C-Series Air Carts, offering a range of capacities and configurations including 3m centres for Controlled Traffic Farming, and delivering improved seeding accuracy and requiring less maintenance.
The C-Series range in capacity from 350bu to 850bu, or 12,000 litres up to 30,000 litres, and feature AccuRate electric meters, made from stainless steel and composite materials that are resistant to corrosion and wear.
The C500L, C500T, C550L, C550T, C650L and C650T Air Carts may be ordered with a liquid capable centre tank to replace the dry middle tank, to allow the application of liquid fertiliser or other in-row products.
The C-Series’ AccuRate meter bank contains up to eight individually controlled meters per tank. Operators can change the speed and volume of each meter, resulting in higher-resolution prescriptions and up to eight times more precise seed metering.
Curve Compensation is a crucial element in the C-Series Air Carts. As the machine turns, it slows the inside meter and speeds up the outside meter for a consistent rate delivery across the entire bar when seeding around trees and curves.
New blower automation on the C-Series provides consistent air delivery across the bar and means the system can be used by a novice or an experienced operator.
Rounding out John Deere’s total seeding solution is the P600 Precision Air Hoe Drill, which delivers decreased compaction, labour time and fuel consumption, through an increased working width of 15.5 per cent and 24 per cent less weight than its near relative, the P500.
The P600 features TruSet Tillage Technology to adjust tillage depth and pressure in only six seconds from the comfort of the cab. This ensures consistent pressure across the bar for optimal seed placement regardless of soft or tight conditions.
Behind the tractor are the new C-Series Air Carts, offering a range of capacities and configurations including 3m centres for Controlled Traffic Farming, and delivering improved seeding accuracy and requiring less maintenance.
Photo by
Nate Luke