The 2024 Goulburn Broken Catchment calendar is now available, featuring stunning images of the region’s native plants, animals and natural environment.
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The photos, taken by local residents, range from alpine vistas to birds, animals, plants and insects, selected from more than 300 entries.
Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority project officer Janice Mentiplay-Smith said now in its 16th year, the calendar continued to attract submissions from a wide variety of amateur photographers, who have captured the natural beauty of the catchment.
“The Goulburn Broken catchment calendar began in 2008 and has been an annual highlight for environmental enthusiasts and photographers ever since,” Ms Mentiplay-Smith said.
“We always receive extremely positive feedback on the quality of the calendar and the fact it contains beautiful images of the local environment. The 2024 calendar is no exception.
“We are grateful to the community for contributing such wonderful photos each year, the Broken Boosey Conservation Management Network Advisory Group for assisting with the content selection and our supporting partners Moira Shire Council and Greater Shepparton City Council.”
In addition to the photographs, the calendar also includes information each month on some of the catchment’s waterways, fauna and flora, with practical tips on ways individuals can help make a positive difference to our environment.
The calendar’s cover photo features white-breasted woodswallows perched on a branch at Kinnairds Wetland at Numurkah, taken by Catarina Gregson of Numurkah.
The free calendar is available for collection from the Goulburn Broken CMA office, 168 Welsford St, Shepparton.
Drop in on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9am and 4pm or by appointment.