Celebration: Tallarook Primary School students (back from left) Sophie, 10, Thomas, 11; (middle) Emily, 8, Lucy, 5, Ella, 8, Ava, 6,, Ava, 7; (front) Tyler, 9, and Murray, 7, mark 100 days of Prep. Absent: Hugo, Gus and Emelia, all 5.
Tallarook Primary School, Pyalong Primary School and St Joseph’s Primary School Nagambie have all celebrated 100 days of prep for 2022.
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It is a big achievement for the Foundation students and their parents alike as they mark an early milestone in their journey through formal education.
“One hundred days of prep represents their first memories into their school life and the many more memories to be made into the future,” Tallarook Primary School’s Seraphim Kyprianou said.
One hundred days of primary school is a significant achievement given that many students experienced disjointed early childhood education owing to the COVID-19 pandemic.
St Joseph's Primary Nagambie: Students (back from left) Gen, Ayla; (front) Morgan, Connor, Scout and Hunter dress up for 100 days of Prep celebrations.
St Joseph’s Primary School had its celebrations on Thursday, July 21.
The students dressed up as 100 year-olds to coincide with the school’s centenary celebrations.
The preps of St Joseph’s had a day of activities with their Year 6 buddy groups.
The activities centred around the number 100, including maths activities and old-style games like marbles and elastics.
Pyalong Primary School celebrated on Friday, July 29, by dressing up as something that they want to accomplish before they turn 100 years old.
Something to accomplish before 100: Dinosaur Otis and palaeontologist Jack from Pylong Primary School.
Students at Tallarook Primary School reflected on their time together through sharing stories, drawings, writing and playing games.
St Mary’s College Seymour is yet to hold its “100 days brighter” celebration, which is planned for August 17.